Monday, January 26, 2009

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iPhone is not a phone. Its a computer that runs a 400 MHz processor with 64 or 128 MB of RAM and a 6-12 GB of hard drive. The new iPhone 2.0 has improved dramatically over version 1. iPhone 2.0 now includes remote wipe, push email, faster browsing on the EDGE Network, automatic calendar and contact synching - encompassing all those features that were missed by iPhone corporate users. And end of the course in US, it is half the price twice the speed of Blackberry.
The new version of iPhone has even taken care of the security issues. The new iPhone has implemented security policy enforcement, certificate and identities with WPA2/802.1x protocols. It enables access to corporate networks of companies also through IPSec VPNs specially with push mail integrated with MS Exchange. The remote wipe is another interesting feature. Even if you lose your iPhone,you can wipe out all data from it remotely.
The iPhone is only touch screen and typing on the glass is not a viable option.I think it is only a 'getting-used-to' problem. When people get used to it, there will be more adoption for the ergonomically designed iPhone. Here are few tips for you to get used with typing in iPhone. The first of these tips concerns actually typing the letters into the iPhone. When you tap on a letter to enter, it will not place onto the screen until you lift your finger off it. So, you can fix this error by just going to the correct key and lift off your finger to place the letter onto the screen. Majority of errors in typing in an iPhone could be fixed this way. The auto-correction feature within the keyboard provides a great help to many a user in keeping their writing easy in an iPhone.
To streamline the hectic and busy life we live today, the use of iPhone is essential. The features of Cell Phone, iPod and PDA are actually got fitted in this one slim and sophisticated product. Every mobile technology is beautifully packaged in this unique device. iPhone is a matter of convenience and practically very simple and easy to hi-tech use. With iPhone you will be actually surfing the net, unlike other cell phones, which provide a dumb-down Internet Connection.
iPhone is not only a device to connect you to this Hi-Tech World, but also gets you closer to it. With ever expanding technology that drifts this world further away, this cute little iPhone connects them is such a dynamic way.